‘Reborn babies’ exhibition Play Poland Film Festival
10th October 2014 at 7pm
The Reborn babies exhibition showcasing works of six Polish artists will be one of the events accompanying this year’s edition of the Play Poland Film Festival. It starts on October 9th and will be open along with Tomasz Płonka’s exhibition in Meow Photography Studios in Edinburgh until October 16th.
Marcelo Zamenhoff, Seweryn Swacha, Anka Leśniak, Michał Jankowski, Arti Grabowski and Diana Ronnberg are young and resolute individuals with fresh approach to visual arts and new media art. They express themselves using both traditional forms such as paintings as well photography, video and performance. Modern means of expression accurately reflect contemporary fears associated with human entrapped in new culture models. Without attempts to capture their real life examples, multiculturalism, culture diversity, cross border, self-oriented, creolisation and other phenomena that have been studied for many decades would only remain theoretical concepts. This exactly what drives the group of young Polish artists in their Reborn babies project. They relate to the issue of equality in all possible ways including racial, linguistic or religious belief.